Industry Impact

Why is it important to promote tourism? Tourism provides a solid economic benefit to our local economy. A healthy tourism industry has a positive economic impact that pays dividends in ways we don't always realize.

Tourism is Big Business

In 2023, tourism in Clark County continued to be an economic driver. In Clark County, the tourism industry fueled more than:

  • $710 million in total direct visitor spending;
  • 7,650 tourism related jobs; and,
  • $99 million in state & local tax revenues.

In 2023, average hotel occupancy in Clark County was 66.3% with more than $1.3 million collected in Lodging Tax and an ADR (Average Daily Rate) of $133. For a national perspective on tourism, visit U.S. Travel's website to view a highlight of country-wide travel impacts.

Tourism Impact Infographic 2023

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